Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Alpine Ascents 2013 team to Camp 2

Garrett Madison's team moved to Camp 2 today after spending one extra day in Camp 1 yesterday cleaning up after a massive snow fall. A few sherpa broke trail from Camp 2 all the way down to Base Camp opening up the route for climbers to move up and down the mountain again. It is a bit cloudy and snowing lightly here at Base Camp, but Garrett reported clear skies and good weather up at Camp 2.

Camp 2 sits at 21,300 feet and is commonly referred to as Advanced Base Camp, or ABC. I just got the nightly radio call in and it sounds like everyone felt great on their move! They are all settled into the dining room now, ready to enjoy a nice dinner from our Camp 2 cook, Ang Tsering, before heading to bed. The team plans to spend two nights in ABC. They will mostly rest tomorrow, taking short hike around the Western Cwm to maximize their acclimatization. The following day they will finish off their first rotation by descending all the way back to the luxuries of Base Camp.

Joe Kluberton

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